Marathi Biodata Maker
Create and download bio data for marriage in Marathi to get up to 4x responses.
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Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi

Create and download biodata for marriage in Marathi using Marathi Biodata Maker. You can download marriage biodata format in Marathi in image and PDF format.

Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi is a collection of information about a boy or girl given in the Marathi language while searching for a suitable life partner.

In simple words, for marriage, the information of a boy or girl is arranged in a very nice way in a specific format; we call it Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi.

Biodata format for marriage in Marathi is pdf, image, and word file which contains information about a boy or girl.

In Marathi, marriage biodata is also known as lagnacha biodata or parichay patra.

In our Maharashtrian culture, when a boy and a girl are of marriageable age, they want to find a suitable partner. Their acquaintance sends their information to each other to find the right partner.

Suppose marriage biodata is to send in digital form. In that case, it is in the image, pdf, or word file format, and if it is to give physically, then it is in hard copy, i.e., printed PDF.

Why is it necessary to prepare biodata for marriage in Marathi?

To find the perfect life partner, you should know everything about the person who will be with you for the rest of your life.

So relatives from both sides share girl or boy details while meeting. These details send to each other online, i.e., through email, WhatsApp, or other social media apps.

If the marriage biodata is to be sent online, then it is sent in digital format, i.e., image and PDF format, and if it is to be sent physically, then it is sent in hard copy, i.e., PDF printout.

The main reason for making a marriage biodata in Marathi is that two people who live with each other throughout their lives understand the complete information about each other from the biodata.

बायोडेटा आवडला की भेटीगाठी होतात व स्थळ आवडले की लग्न जमते. मग प्रतीक्षा कशाची करत आहात आत्ताच विवाहासाठी छान बायोडेटा डाऊनलोड करा.

A biodata must need to prepare before marriage. Therefore, many templates for biodata format with and without a photo are below. You can select a design you like and create beautiful biodata for marriage in Marathi.

फोटो सोबत बायोडाटा
बायोडाटा वरती मुलाचा किंवा मुलीचा फोटो असणाऱ्या फॉर्मट मध्ये बायोडाटा बनवा.
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फोटो शिवाय बायोडाटा
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What information does the Marathi Biodata format contain?

As mentioned above, if a boy or girl wants to find a suitable partner, they must send their information to each other. Then, you may wonder what information includes in a biodata.

So let's see what information it contains.

The biodata format in Marathi contains the personal, family, and contact information of the boy (male, groom) or girl (female, bride). In Marathi Biodata format, information is written separately in three points.

  1. Personal Information (वैयक्तिक माहिती)
  2. Family Information (कौटुंबिक माहिती)
  3. Contact Information (संपर्क माहिती)

Personal Information

The first part is Personal Information.

Personal information includes information about the private life of a boy or girl.

It contains three types of information.

  • Personal details of boy or girl (मुलाची किंवा मुलीची वैयक्तिक माहिती)
  • Kundli Information (कुंडली मधील माहिती)
  • Education and Occupation (शिक्षण व व्यवसाईक माहिती)

Personal details of boy or girl.

Personal details contain the name, date of birth, birth time, place of birth, religion, caste, kuldaivat, height, blood group, and varna(color) of a boy or girl.

Kundli Information

Kundli Information contains information about Rashi, Nakshatra, Devak, Nadi, Gan, and Gotra.

Education and Occupation

Educational information is an essential point in a marriage biodata. It contains educational information about a boy or girl. And then Occupation, you want to include your occupational information.

If you are employed or have a business, you can add your company or business name, salary, and income.

Family Information

Family information contains information about the family of the person whose biodata is to create.

It contains information such as the father's name, Occupation, mother's name, total sisters, total married sisters, total brothers, total married brothers, maternal uncle, and surnames of relatives.

Contact Information

Contact information contains the family's contact information, such as address and mobile number, and relatives from both sides contact each other using that information.

The address field includes a current residential address or Native address.

And in the mobile number, we can add one to two mobile numbers. When the relatives from the other party want to send you something, they can call or message you on the mobile number you have added.

While entering the number, you should ensure that one of those numbers should be a WhatsApp number.

All the above information will be in the Marathi marriage biodata.

Types of Marathi Marriage Biodata Format

There are three subtypes of Marathi biodata format.

  1. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by Design
  2. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by Religion
  3. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by File Type

Types of Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by Design

According to design, there are four types of Marathi biodata as follows.

  1. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi with Photo (फोटो सोबत विवाह बायोडाटा)
  2. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi without Photo (फोटो शिवाय विवाह बायोडाटा)
  3. Marriage Biodata Format for Boy in Marathi (मुलासाठी विवाह बायोडाटा)
  4. Marriage Biodata Format for Girl in Marathi (मुलीसाठी विवाह बायोडाटा)

Types of Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by Religion

According to religion, there are five types of Marathi biodata as follows.

  1. Hindu Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi
  2. Muslim Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi
  3. Buddhist Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi
  4. Jain Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi
  5. Christian Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi

Click on the below button if you want to search biodata format by religion.

Types of Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi by File Type

According to file type, there are two types of Marathi biodata as follows.

  1. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi Word File
  2. Marriage Biodata Format in Marathi PDF

There are some things to remember while making a biodata in Marathi.

  • While creating a Marathi biodata, you should write all the information about yourself or the person whose biodata you want to edit. You should be honest, write correct information, and avoid wrong information in biodata.
  • When making biodata, choose the format you like.

Marathi Biodata Maker

मराठी विवाह बायोडाटा फॉरमॅट बनवायचा आहे? मग प्रतीक्षा कशाची करत आहात! आताच लग्नाचा एक मस्त बायोडाटा डाऊनलोड करा.

मराठी बायोडाटा मेकर वेबसाइट चा वापर करून फक्त 5 मिनिटांत विवाहासाठी एक सुंदर बायोडाटा तयार करा.

Need more help?

However, you can contact us if you do not understand anything about it or have any questions. We will guide you about Marathi Marriage biodata for free.

Maharashtra's trusted Marathi Biodata Maker, loved by users all over Maharashtra. is your simple solution for creating marriage biodata in Marathi online, straight from the web, with 100% security.

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